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A Mothers Journey from Career Women to Stay-At-Home-Mom: What’s it’s really like to completely change your life

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‘Many women before becoming mothers are pondered by questions like:

  • Am I going to change?
  • How is the world around me going to accept me?
  • How am I going to work with so many obligations?

Many people that don’t understand that everything is going to change, would say:

“I am sure it’s not that big a deal, I fill find the time to work and see my friends and have time for the baby”

But what they should have said is:

“I better be a stay at home mom I will have more time to spend with my baby, home obligations, and maybe some time for me if I find someone to help me”.

What is going to change your life?

At the beginning when you are going to hang out with your single friends it will be very interesting for you and them as well, but then after a few months you will start to realize that you have only a few things in common. Not only that you are not going to have time for them but the chats are not going to be the same. They are free to go anywhere, their life is little bit more expensive than you can afford, not in a hurry to pick up their child or anything on the way home, and they look much relaxed than you.

A little incident

I suppose that the moms who are breast feeding probably had the same problem like me. What happened to me was unspeakable but I was lucky. When my daughter was born I thought that all of the Milky Way was in my breasts. I used up all of the tampons to stop the milk but after two or three hours it was like I had two tiny windows on my shirt. I had the biggest exam (college) in my life and my nanny was pretty late that day. I was so angry at her that I could kill her; anyway I went to my faculty but forgot to take care of the milk problem. When I started solving the test, one of my breasts started pumping milk. My professor saw it and I started to panic, then she came and put her bag under my breast. I felt very stupid it was like filling her bag with my milk instead of solving my test.

Make a little change

Stop feeling sorry for yourself and try to make something different and be more creative with your time. Yes there is a very big of difference between a career woman and a stay-at-home but if you do not have time for yourself, then hire a babysitter to have a little time for “you” here and there. Spend some time at the gym, it will help you to feel more beautiful about yourself, and bring back your self-confidence.

A Career Women to Stay-At-Home-Mum

Taking care of your baby is a big change in life and most of the mommies are feeling angry and can’t accept this type of changes. But this doesn’t mean that your career is over. There are lots of jobs over the internet. Maybe one of them is going to make you happy.

Author: bojasna

I bring passion to every project I undertake and with years of content writing experience, I produce well-crafted, interesting articles that engage readers and inspire action, be that reading more on your site, buying a product, bookmarking, sharing a page or going out into the world to spread your message. Content-writing, article-writing and blog-writing are my specialities and I am seeking to branch out into ebooks.

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